
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I suck at posting.

I do. I really, really do.
I have the strangest attention span, which just adds to (or maybe just creates) my problems.
For some reason, I can't focus on something for more than like, a week. Unless it's the sims. I can play that shit for months and not get bored. That's probably some sort of fetish or something, or it means that I'm socially inept (which I am) or that I have a million kinds of mental issues (which I probably do).


I'll really like the idea of something for roughly a week or so. Maybe only a few days. Maybe a few weeks. But generally, it only lasts about a week.
Then something else will get my attention and POOF I completely forget about whatever it was that I was just doing.

Back in my days of nerdery (which I will probably post about some other time, because there were many days and there was one hell of a lot of nerdery, mostly in the form of fanfiction, which is still available on both and if you're curious. Look up Guernica322 on both of 'em if you want to laugh at how I'm ridiculous), I would write stories about anime characters, or about dudes in bands that I thought were attractive, and I would get really into the stories for a little while and then just completely drop them and not update the stories for a month.
Then all my readers would get pissy and forget about me and then I'd post another chapter and be all "JAY KAY I'M STILL ALIVE HAHAHA" and then no one would read it because I suck.

This is the reason why I have a million different blogs going at this very moment.
I've got this one, tumblr, some other one that I only posted once on, another REALLY old one on blogspot, one on xanga, one on myspace, a few more on tumblr, and I guess you could count facebook notes as one too.
That's like 9. Holy shit.
And all of them are testiments to how I can't pay attention to something for very long.

I have no idea where I was going with this.

Um. Yeah.

I was going to talk about this homework assignment that I have to do tonight, but I'll make a different post for it, because I need a lot of room to complain about Pope Gregory VII and his buddy Henry IV the German King.
AKA I don't want to do my homework.

Wooowww this post was really oober lame. I'll try to be funnier next time.
I suck so bad, haha.